Best Practices of Web based FMLA Compliance
For more information visit the Qcera or LeaveSource Homepage
Web based FMLA compliance has become the method of choice for many employers interested in streamlining and reducing the risk associated with FMLA and leave management compliance requirements. Qcera has surged to the top of the industry with their LeaveSource™ web based FMLA compliance software solution. Delivered in a highly secure fashion via the web, this Software as a Service (SaaS) administrative aid accomplishes both employer goals.
Security requirements for web based FMLA compliance programs are as stringent as ever and LeaveSource™ web based software easily meets all requirements. Accessed via SSL, encrypted at industry standards during transmission and at rest, information transfers are quick, accurate and compliant. 24/7 web based access provides administrators a safe, secure, and convenient FMLA and leave management operations platform. With more than four hundred fifty related state and federal legislative regulations already in place, web based FMLA compliance has never been so simple.
Web based FMLA compliance can be achieved by employers with less than a thousand employees, through the implementation of LeaveSource™ Express software. Additional information on this product is available here. Any employers interested in utilizing additional modules to provide ADA job accommodation management, advice to pay management, or disability case management with guidelines, or employers with more than a thousand employees will be well served by LeaveSource™ Enterprise software. Additional information on this web based FMLA compliance solution can be found here.
Large or small companies interested in freeing up time of their HR staff, in order to focus on personal touch with employees are encouraged to consider the complete back office leave administration provided by Qcera with the addition of the LeaveSource™ Entrust administration service. Managed by the experts at Qcera, this web based FMLA compliance service utilizes the same LeaveSource™ software and provides complete transparency to administrative personnel. Click here to review LeaveSource™ Entrust administration service details.