For more information visit the Qcera Homepage or LeaveSource

Necessary Features for FMLA Tracking Software

FMLA tracking software can be acquired through a variety of vendors, but an assortment of recent six figure judgments against employers is solidifying the need for companies to ensure compliance with FMLA tracking software that is easy to implement, cost effective, and due to the comprehensive audit trail created, serves to dramatically reduce the risk of potential fines and litigation. LeaveSource™ web based software by Qcera has a fourteen year track record of success serving companies from fifty employees to more than fifty thousand.

LeaveSource™ Express FMLA tracking software provides a compliance solution to companies with up to a thousand employees. Companies with more than a thousand employees, or those seeking FMLA tracking software that integrates with available modules to provide additional tracking capabilities such as: advice to pay management, disability case management, and or ADA job accommodation management will appreciate the ease of use with LeaveSource™ Enterprise FMLA tracking software.

All LeaveSource™ FMLA tracking software features; automatic legislative updates, robust standard reporting, instant eligibility determination/notification, and automated calendaring based on the type of employee leave. A critical consideration of any FMLA tracking software is the automatic application and tracking of employees with regard to state leave laws. This was one of the founding features at Qcera. And today, it still keeps LeaveSource™ products at the top of the FMLA tracking software industry.

LeaveSource™ FMLA tracking software is at the heart of all Qcera products, but LeaveSource™ Empower administration service utilizes all features and benefits of LeaveSource™ software, as well as providing complete back office administration, which frees up a company’s HR staff to focus on personnel management. Click here to examine the features and benefits of LeaveSource™ Entrust. Or click here to view details of Express software or here to review the details of Enterprise FMLA software tracking products.

For more information visit the LeaveSource Homepage

LeaveSource™ - Industry Leading FMLA Software

LeaveSource™ – Industry Leading FMLA Software