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Necessary Features of FMLA Tracker

FMLA tracker capabilities have become a requirement, rather than just a convenience. The 1993 Family Medical Leave Act put requirements and penalties in place, but recent six figure lawsuits brought about by employees against non-compliant employers have turned a FMLA tracker into a key and necessary business tool. And fourteen years of success with employers, ranging from fifty to more than fifty thousand employees, has put Qcera’s LeaveSource web based software products at the forefront of the FMLA tracker industry.

Custom FMLA tracker reports generated by LeaveSource™ software can be a useful tool for HR to evaluate and identify FMLA abuse areas. LeaveSource™ Express software was created for companies with fifty to a thousand employees. Click here for further information on this product. LeaveSource™ Enterprise software is meant to serve companies with more than a thousand employees, or companies seeking a more robust program that’s capable of integration with additional modules capable of addressing other management services, like ADA accommodation tracking. For additional information on this product, click here.

An FMLA tracker is useful, but only part of the equation necessary to solve the problem of FMLA compliance. LeaveSource™ software products provide all the necessary components for compliance success including; a comprehensive audit trail, immediate eligibility determination, and automatic incorporation of federal and state legislative updates. Companies with less than three hundred employees frequently find LeaveSource’s Entrust administration service extremely cost effective because it allows Qcera to operate the FMLA tracker software on the company’s behalf and provide complete back office service. FMLA operations are completely transparent to HR, who is then freed up to focus on personnel issues and payment is based on a per leave basis. Click here for more information.

Utilize LeaveSource’s FMLA tracker with any Qcera product, but be sure to review and appreciate the full suite of services that are always included, in order to solve the FMLA compliance equation. Get your FMLA tracker from the industry leader.

LeaveSource™ - Industry Leading FMLA Software

LeaveSource™ – Industry Leading FMLA Software