FMLA administration system is a more frequently mentioned concept in business today. Most probably due to a growing number of federal and state legislative requirements that have recently resulted in a number of judgments costing non-compliant employers six-figure settlements. As a matter of fact, the average cost to an employer for defense of a FMLA lawsuit is now nearly $80,000 regardless of outcome. So an effective FMLA administration system appears to be far more beneficial and far less costly.
An effective FMLA administration system needs to provide: appropriate and consistent application for employees, constant and timely integration of legislative updates, and a well-documented audit trail for leave administration personnel. Qcera created such a system in 2000 and after thirteen years of assisting employers with successful compliance, constant addition of client requested feature enhancements, and a robust reporting system that can identify and help to reduce leave abuse, their LeaveSource™ software has risen to the pinnacle of the FMLA administration system industry.
LeaveSource™ Express web-based software was created to help employers with a single leave administrator and less than a thousand employees to achieve quick and easy compliance. Small employers with more than a single leave administrator or who need access to additional modules, to handle ADA job accommodation, employee/supervisor self service, or disability case management with guidelines, or employers with more than a thousand employees will appreciate the awesome assistance capabilities of the LeaveSource™ Enterprise software FMLA administration system.
If your company would like to have the HR department handle direct employee contact, but would prefer the experts at Qcera to handle complete back office operation of the FMLA administration system, including all paperwork, then LeaveSource™ Entrust is the program for your business. If you would like to have greater details of the LeaveSource™ Entrust FMLA administration system, click here.