Best Practices of Absence Management
For more information visit the Qcera Homepage or LeaveSource
Absence management has always been a consideration for employers, but since the adoption of the 1993 Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), absence management, tracking, and awareness has increased acutely. Investigations and fines have always been part of the punitive threat for non-compliance, but a flurry of recent seven-figure lawsuit victories by employees has brought concern and additional attention to the need for an effective, compliant, and well documented absence management program. The recent Supreme Court decision redefining marriage in America already provides a direct effect on covered employers with employees who live in the thirteen states that recognize same-sex marriage and adds a new dimension to the absence management process of FMLA.
Companies with less than a thousand employees can find great benefit and satisfaction with the tremendous absence management organization provided by LeaveSource’s Express software solution. The web based Express software provides; 24/7 secure access to a user friendly core absence management platform, a comprehensive package of pre-defined reports with parameters, and a workflow system with automated alerts, reminders and to-do-tasks, as well as automated emails, letters, and information packets. Click here for more detailed absence management information on this solution.
Companies with more than a thousand employees, or that could benefit from absence management features such as; employee supervisor self service, dynamic ad hoc reporting, external document uploading, or optional service modules such as; advice to pay, disability case management, or ADA job accommodation, will find tremendous satisfaction with LeaveSource’s Enterprise software absence management solution. Click here for more detailed information on this valuable and “enterprising” solution.
If absence management is taking up too much time and your company is interested in keeping your HR staff focused on “personnel issues.” Then perhaps the LeaveSource™ Entrust administration service is the back office solution that you’ve been looking for. LeaveSource’s Entrust administration service provides; FMLA leave management including; web intake processing, certification processing points, certification review, incidental absence leave management, and billing, as well as calling doctors and contacting employers.